Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Back to Reality

Have you ever worked a convention? 

I feel as though I spent the past three days in a fog, a busy frantic fog, but a fog. Another world. And now I’m back to reality and it’s all rushing back to me. Playing catch up. And what do I do first?

What else? Write to you all.

Needless to say I kept very little in the way of a schedule over the past three days. I snacked, rather than ate meals, and the extent of my exercise was wandering the convention during breaks from my post. Last night when I got home, I was just finished. I didn’t want to do anything – thank goodness I was given that luxury.

But this does bring me to my question for the day. How can you create a schedule for your health when life keeps you horribly busy? How do you take care of yourself when all you want to do at the end of the day is crawl into bed?

When I worked as a server I found ways. On a crazy Saturday or Sunday I tended to just go home, but on weekdays I would hit the gym after work and do what I could. It became a habit, part of my post work wind down. I made the gym my place to relax, a place where I didn’t have to think about school or work or whatever else was stressing me out that week. I brought a book and allowed my mind to wander. That worked well for me.

Now three years later and it’s time for me to create a new schedule for myself. My life is far less crazed than it was then, and I have made a commitment to myself to make health a higher priority. 

But after day three of the convention, it was really nice to take a hot bath and finally get a good night sleep. 

I know that's what my body needed the most. 


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